how to ssh amazon instance from ubuntu.
if you have the private key file of your amazon instance then its very easy to connect through ssh.
if you don't have the keys then login to your amazon interface instance and create the key instance.pem and instance.ppk
when you creat these both keys then download it you system. and saved it.
One key .pem is used for linux connectivity and .ppk is used for windows putty connectivity.
In ubuntu OS open your terminal and get the sudo rights.
Alt+Ctrl+T then type the command
sudo -s
your password:
go to your donwload folder and copy the keys to /home/yourname/.shh/ folder
cd /home/myname/Download/
cp instance.pem instance.ppk /home/myname/.shh
trach out your amazon host name like bitnami and type the command in terminal
shh -i instance.pem
you will get connected.
if you get the error
permission denied due to the public key is onpen to others. then change the permission of .pem file
chmod 600 instance.pem and again try to connect to server instance.
this time you will connected if you have right usernam and .pem key.
That's all
if you have any other question feel free to ask me
shahmeer07 @skype
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