1: create a perl script that can take a backup of your system. the procedure is as follows:
1.a: create a file with name of mirror.pl and past the below code to that file
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Allow us to copy files correctly.
use File::Copy;
# User-configurable. Don't include a / at the end of the path.
# Source = Base directory to start the backup from
# Dest = Base directory to backup to
$Source = "/home";
$Dest = "/media/9b968b0b-ebef-49ac-90c6-ad673d426bc6/home/pfserver/BackUp/pfserver/cron";
$Reverse = 0;
if ($Reverse)
$Temp = $Source;
$Source = $Dest;
$Dest = $Temp;
# Global variable. Turn on Verbose Mode by using "mirror.pl -v"
$Verbose = 0;
# Define what you do not want copied over. It is case sensitive.
# If you want a specific directory not copied, such as the "/logs/"
# directory, use "^/logs/" to specify that directory. It uses a regexp
# to see if the directory which is about to be copied should be excluded.
# If you do not specify the ^ in front, such as the "/_themes/" directory,
# it will exclude all _themes directories it comes across.
# You can specify a file by using "^/dir/dir/file.txt" or all files with
# a particular name by "/file.txt$" and making sure that $ is there so
# it matches to end of line.
#@Excludes = ("^/backup/",
# "^/ftp/",
# "^/Images/",
# "^/logs/",
# "^/publish/",
# "^/recycled/", "^/RECYCLED/",
# "^/recycler/", "^/RECYCLER/",
# "/_borders/", "/_BORDERS",
# "/_derived/", "/_DERIVED/",
# "/_fpclass/", "/_FPCLASS/",
# "/_overlay/", "/_OVERLAY/",
# "/_private/", "/_PRIVATE/",
# "/_themes/", "/_THEMES/",
# "/_vti_bin/", "/_VTI_BIN/",
# "/_vti_cnf/", "/_VTI_CNF/",
# "/_vti_log/", "/_VTI_LOG/",
# "/_vti_pvt/", "/_VTI_PVT/",
# "/_vti_txt/", "/_VTI_TXT/");
# End of user-configurable section #
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-v")
print "Verbose mode ON!\n";
$Verbose = 1;
# End of the main driver, proceed directly to functions.
# Gets a listing of files. Returns the array.
sub GetFiles {
local ($Dir) = @_;
local (@Files);
opendir(DIR, $Dir);
@Files = readdir(DIR);
return @Files;
# Checks to see if the file/directory name passed in should be
# excluded in the backup
sub IsExcluded {
local ($File) = @_;
foreach (@Excludes)
if ($File =~ /$_/)
print "Excluding $File\n" if ($Verbose);
return 1;
return 0;
# Compares/copies files
sub BackupFile {
local ($File) = @_;
# Only copy if newer or different sized from what I have
if (-e "$Dest$File")
if (-M "$Source$File" >= -M "$Dest$File")
if (-s "$Source$File" == -s "$Dest$File")
# Exclude files which can be excluded
if (IsExcluded($File))
print " $File\n" if ($Verbose);
copy("$Source$File", "$Dest$File");
# Performs the backup on the specified directory, recursively calling
# itself for each subdirectory which does not get excluded.
sub PerformBackup {
local ($Dir) = @_;
local (@SFiles, @DFiles, @Dirs, $File);
print "$Dir\n" if ($Verbose);
# Get the file lists
@SFiles = GetFiles("$Source$Dir");
@DFiles = GetFiles("$Dest$Dir");
# For each file, possibly copy.
# For each directory, save list of directories for later.
foreach (sort(@SFiles))
# Ignore ".", "..", and hidden files
next if (/^\./);
$File = $_;
# If it is a directory, save it for later.
# Else, possibly copy now.
if (-d "$Source$Dir$File")
push(@Dirs, $File);
# Process the directories
foreach (sort(@Dirs))
$File = "$Dir$_/";
next if (IsExcluded($File));
if (! -d "$Dest$File")
mkdir("$Dest$File", 0755);
save and exit
now copy this script to /usr/sbin/
cp mirror.pl /usr/sbin/
enter the commands
chmod +x /usr/sbin/mirror.pl
open your crontab
env EDITOR=vim crontab -e
and the entries to cron for backup to run
38 10 * * * /usr/sbin/mirror.pl
thats it. enjoy the backup .
if you do want to check your perl cron is running
open terminal and type top command it will show you that perl is running through cron but the time should be set proper. mean you have to check it 10:40 round about.
Imran shahmeer
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